PACS 中基于文件共享的影像采集方法的實現(xiàn)
(第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)西南醫(yī)院, 重慶400038)
[摘要]在PACS 實施中現(xiàn)有非D ICOM3 設(shè)備接入是其面臨的問題之一。本文提出使用F TP 協(xié)議實現(xiàn)文件共享,然后依據(jù)
不同的文件格式進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換, 最后統(tǒng)一到D ICOM3 格式文件歸檔存儲到PACS 系統(tǒng)服務(wù)器中的方法, 實現(xiàn)非D ICOM3 設(shè)備接入,
[關(guān)鍵詞]影像設(shè)備; PACS ;D ICOM
[中圖分類號] TN919. 85 [ 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼]A [ 文章編號]1007 - 7510 (2003) 02 - 0018 - 03
A ima ge acquisit ion method ba sed on share f ile in PACS
L I Gui - xia ng , WAN G Fa ng , ZHAN G De - cha ng
(So ut hwe st Ho spit al of Thi rd Milit a r y Medical U nive r sit y , Cho ngqing 400038 , China)
Abstract : At impleme nt ing PACS , a p ro blem i s how no n - D ICOM 3 int e rf ace e quipme nt s join up t he PACS. Thi s pape r
int ro duce s a met ho d of ima ge acqui sit io n ba sed o n sha re file . Wit h F TP a no n - D ICOM file i s t ra nsmit t ed to a sha re file
syst em , t ra nsfo rmed it into D ICOM3 fo rmat b y a p ro gram a nd saved in PACS |